We all have a history, we all have had incidents that we would sooner forget. But we also learned through our experiences and achieved a wealth of knowledge in the process. There is many of us out there that use that to not repeat our mistakes. And there is some that even that use that knowledge and help others. Then there is the group that continue to make the mistakes, by ignoring the past.
I recently had this argument with my brother. As we grew up we took different paths in our development. While I closed myself in hiding my alopecia, battled self esteem and trust issues; he went on a rebellious journey. We each have fallen, gotten up, fallen again and continued to to dust ourselves off. I battled suicide and depression and he had conflicts with authority figures. The argument we had entailed who actually has moved away from our past and made something of our lives. Where I have chosen to acknowledge my past and use it, my brother chose to ignore it. Expressing that he doesnt live in the past and lives in the future. But in his decision he is repeating the same mistakes over and over again. And hurting all those around him. I told him that with all that he has gone through he could help so many others by sharing his story. Leading by example, of some of the wrong choices in life that you can make. I told him how I have made myself uncomfortable telling my story to others, I had to relive painful memories, but I continue on in the hopes that Im helping others. Knowing that if I even helped one other person not feel alone in their journey, or that they may see answers to their own problems in my story, Im also healing my own scars. Unfortunately this was not met with positive feedback.
So I raise this question.... is it better to learn from our history or to ignore it to move on to the future. Well we all learned this answer in school. Those that dont learn from history are destined to repeat it. I understand that reopening old wounds and painful memories is extremely difficult and in the means of self preservation we fight against it. No one wants to hurt. In my experience that pain finds healing when we see that we have helped others. No matter your faith or religious belief you will have read this aswell. Helping others, to be selfless in your actions, to put yourself out there in the aide of your community; big or small, heals all wounds. I remember reading in the Wisdom of Forgiveness by Dalai Lama, that indeed by his acts of selflessness, his ultimate compassion for others, he is actually being selfish. Meaning that the joy and the help he has given others also effects him positively. He experiences joy and healing. By giving yourself to others; you are receiving in return.
Its difficult, but it does get easier. Old scars hold painful memories. To ignore them doesnt make it better. Ignoring them doesnt allow you to move forward. As much as you seemingly move on in your life, be it a family, career or location, if you dont acknowledge your past and work through those memories you are destined to repeat them. You never move on.
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