Do you have Pride

Professional, Respect, Integrity, Dependable, Enthusiastic.  PRIDE
This was something that I picked up at my recent staff meeting.  Having pride in our job is all these things.  But not only does this apply to our careers but to our outside lives.  The act of being professional, holding yourself in regard to your actions, thoughts and your dealings with others.  Respecting not only others but yourself.  To treat others how you wish to be treated, but also to treat yourself with respect.  If you respect yourself, in appearance, in mind and spirit; others will see that and follow by your example.  Which leads directly into integrity, having that thought process and respect for yourself that you do things, not because it’s expected from you but because you know it’s the right and moral thing; making you a dependable and wanted person to have around.  Following with enthusiasm; what can you say against living life with enthusiasm?  Living life fully and outside the box; stepping pass our own little worlds and seeing the bigger picture.
These are things that along my alopecia journey that I have learnt.  From time to time stumbled over, fought with and finally tried to embrace.  There still have been times, certainly with recent events in my life that I find myself still struggling with aspects of this code.  I get lost in my own head and in my own thoughts that I forget to see beyond.   Having found my pride in one part of my journey doesn't mean that it ends there.  It also means I have to take responsibility for my actions.  Enough of the “well if this hadn't happen” or “if he/she would only ...” 
There will always be something or someone that throws up a roadblock in your path; or for that matter, continuous roadblocks.  But that is what having pride in oneself is all about.  Working passed those obstacles.  Holding yourself in regards, without ego.  We all stumble, it’s how you get back up that counts.  “Remember it’s not a hurdle to overcome adversity.  It’s an opportunity to change and adapt as we make our ways thru adversities”-BaldnFabulous. 

Professional, Respect, Integrity, Dependable, Enthusiastic    This is a great reminder for everyone in every aspect of one’s life.  And for me I'm glad I saw this tonight.

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