My Year of Yoga - April

This was suppose to be a dedicated journey of this new year's resolution of doing yoga every day for one year.  Well I have kinda failed in staying up to date on my progress.  As I have stated before, I havent been exactly practicing a yoga workout daily, and I cant say that I have been daily in the practice of yoga of the mind, and spirit;  especially this past month. 
And this is a great mistake for me; for I have learned one important thing about yoga.....and that is that yoga gives me the peace and calmness I crave.  After every practice I feel better, even after one of the worse days I experience, 30 minutes of yoga and I feel like I can take on the world.
So why is it that this past month I have found I get home and the last thing I want to do is roll out my mat.  I get home and plop myself on the couch and zone out.  Well the answer to that is pretty simple;  the stress and anxiety I have been experiencing lately.  And being honest with myself ... old habits, no matter how hard you try to make the change, die hard.  But try hard I will continue to do.  If yoga gives me calmness and lowers my stress levels and I come home from work feeling on edge and high on anxiety then instead of zoning out on the couch I should be rolling out my mat.  I know this, now I have to be more dedicated in doing just that.  "Do or Do Not, there is no try"

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