Wishes Do Come True

I have been living in Australia for a month now, and it still seems a bit surreal.  Surreal being that after all these years of thinking and wishing, I am finally in the same time zone, same city, under the same roof with the man that I love. 
Seven years ago with a chance meeting on an online poker room, I will be marrying this man this year.  All those years ago with no thought of love much less marriage, we met and became fast friends, sharing our stories and pictures, not even meeting until 2 years ago.  This moment now has all I have been thinking about for years and now being here I couldn’t be happier.  I feel relaxed for the first time in a long time; minus a few homesickness moments. 
This has been a long and trying process; not knowing if and when it would happen.  And dealing with all the stresses that not only goes along with a long distant relationship but the unneeded, unwanted and non necessary crap that I was dealing with from my job at the time.  This was definitely the time for me to do something, make a change and this was the perfect change.  I filed for my visa after my fiance came and visited me in Canada and it took 11 stressful sleepless months for it to be finally approved.  Secretly planning my big move, not wanting the world; minus family and friends; to know that I was moving to be with my fiancé.  Making the appointments needed for the visa process, traveling at times long distances to make the appointments; turned out that the panel doctor for the medical portion was outside my city.  And while worrying and stressing over the completion of my visa, I was also working on the visa process of moving my dog.  Trying to juggle both our moves, so we can leave about the same time only added to everything. 
Then the big day happened, while talking to my fiance in the morning of October 9 I got the call from the embassy.  They wanted an exact wedding date to put on the visa.  I asked them what happens now, she replied by saying “you will be getting a confirmation email shortly”  “A What!!??”  Yes this meant I was approved!!!!!  I couldn’t believe it; especially since only 2 days prior I lost my job.  It seemed that fate was finally on my side and I could shout out to the world that I was moving to Australia to be with my fiance.  It was then that things picked up fast, and I couldn’t believe how fast.  Within a week I found out that my dog was booked, and I had my flights booked.  Then there was the packing and selling of everything that I own.  Fate kept working on my side too, I was able to pay for everything, get things sold and I was able to sell my jeep on the day that I needed to.  My dog’s flight and quarantine time went without a hitch, and she landed in Australia the day before I got in.  My own flight went smoothly, other than the long lay over in LAX and getting a bit confused at Melbourne.  Soon I had landed in Perth, and I couldn’t wait to get my long awaited hug.  Then it was off to the RSL Christmas party; really is there any other way to start my new life in Australia than a party??? 
We got to pick up my dog before Christmas from her quarantine stay and she looked great, she breezed through her travels well and even one of the check in emails from quarantine said the she was doing well and was super friendly.  I knew they wouldn’t be able to resist her charm LOL.  My fiance and I had our little family for Christmas, just as I had hoped.
And now here it is, one month later, looking back on all the hard work, the sleepless nights, the anxiety attacks, and tears, ……was it worth it? 
I couldn’t be happier where my life has taken me or correction where I have taken my life.  Because I worked to make this happen, I wanted and wished for this and whether fate gave it a good shove in that direction, I am still driving my life and I am right where I want and need to be.  For the first time in a very long time I truly feel like I’m home.
And now for the wedding planning; and the adventures of our shared life together. 

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