I find myself looking at a new stage, a new bend, a new dip and climb in this roller coaster ride of living with alopecia.  I could say that this ride started back when I was 8 years old when I was first diagnosed with alopecia. But in truth I look at the real ride starting when I entered into social media and found others just like me.

When I was 8, alopecia was completely unknown to me and my family.  My mom was frantically looking to treat her little girl and that little girl not truly understanding what was happening other than one day having to put on her first wig.  And that ride was short even with all its hairpin turns. . She went on that ride facing bullying and a new identity even if it was short term.

When her hair grew back it was a relief to all.  Thinking it was a bad dream and not to repeat. Over the years occasionally finding that odd bald patch but was easily covered for no one to notice.  Keeping each patch a secret.

Enter into adulthood and once again the dirty little secret was poking thru; like all secrets eventually not being able to hide.  I was seeing a dermatologist every 6 weeks, receiving painful injections into my scalp. I was trying everything; lotions and potions to regrow my hair.  My hair that once again was going to desert me. Hiding under hats and scarves until it was time to get a wig.  

My story of the day I shaved my head on the below link

It was during this painful period that I first step into the arena of social media.  And what a world size arena that was. I found others just like me, that were not only going thru exactly what I was going thru but also those that have experienced other sides and other stories with alopecia.    Finally I was NOT ALONE on this alopecia ride.  

As in any ride it has its FABULOUS moments and the moments that scare you to wanting to get off.  I jumped on that ride and went for a wild spin. I bravely shook off the binds of fear and along with it any head covering I was wearing.  I was a fearless BALD AND FABULOUS woman. I spoke out in my community, giving knowledge and support to anyone that would hear me. I was not going to let my lack of hair stop me, and I was certainly telling the world that.

My interview with CTV Consumer Reports on Alopecia Awareness link below

I was also going to be a BALD BRIDE in a new country as I made my way to a new life in Australia.  And I was determined to be that FABULOUS BALD BRIDE. And it was in this new world, new life that I experienced something I hadn’t given much thought of since becoming bald…. Regrowth! What?!?!  Before my wedding I was sprouting patchy hair all over. I was upset and angry with the regrowth, because I had finally gotten to a point where I accepted and loved who I was as a bald woman. I didn’t want this.  And now another bend on the ride, after only a few months this regrowth was to slow down.

Today I rarely give my baldness a second thought; It is just a part of who I am. Alopecia has changed my life radically; things that use to bother me …don’t anymore.  I see the world differently. I don’t hide who I am; and I definitely don’t hide my baldness. But I also don’t give it much thought to cover up or not.  If Im cold yes I will put something on my head, no different than putting on a jacket. Here in sunny Perth, Australia I always make sure sunscreen is part of my skin regimen no different than the rest of my skin.

I don’t speak out much about awareness or support as I once did.  I don’t spend nearly as much time on social media talking and discussing Alopecia.  I live my life as I want without feeling as I need to broadcast ALOPECIA. But if the subject arises I don’t miss a beat.  I don’t know what is coming around the next bend, a climb or a dip; but one thing I do know is that I still consider myself and always will; be  BALD AND FABULOUS !

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