Equal rights for all

Something a little different and away from my purpose of raising awareness for alopecia.  But also similar in respects of just raising general awareness and education of many topics.  Last night while watching TV there was a commercial news break, the topic announced was "same sex curriculum" in the schools.  As a Canadian and knowing that the news was on a Canadian channel, my interest was piqued.
What was proposed is that to "ensure that same-sex families and LBGTTQ (lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender, two-spirited, queer) people and themes are reflected in all curricula."
I think this is a wonderful idea, to bring the topic from the home into the schools.  To have the discussion as an everyday occurrence. To erase the taboo, and potential bullying associated often times. My concern is about how this is introduced into the schools, making the discussion not as a specialized group; but as treating everyone as equals.  This does not just go for the gay/lesbian community but for all communities that get ostracized for being different, or for making different life choices.
Maybe I live in a utopian world where I wish that no matter what choices we make, and whom we love are not to be questioned.  Instead when we see a couple walking hand in hand we don't notice, race, colour, sexual orientation or appearance.  But instead we see and remark "WOW don't they look happy and in love"


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